Saturday, April 26, 2008

Now I feel really sphinx like.

Believe it or not, exams are really the worst thing in the world. I actually get exam fever that time. donno how to study, how to plan out for these exams, how to get over with this phobia of mine.....huh!

I simply hate exams, and you people must have got this very fact by now as I am actually writing this in my blog which is totally outta frustration. aaaarghhhhhhhh............OMG!!!!( yeah, my life during exams is more like question mark then exclamation mark)

Th very first thing in my mind which comes from the exams are supposedly intellectual species of my class.( wont name them) and their faces after coming out of exams. believe me even best of friends becomes foes during exams. yeah..tats wat are the after effectsof this ugly thing. and by any chance if you get good marks ( which is always by chance..hehe) then the peace you derive from looking at their faces is just awesome!

neways , there is never a best part of exams, but this I got an A.C room...yipeeeeeeeeeee!!!...YO...YO...YO.....!!

hey..i got to STUDY BYE for now!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

S M I L E :-)

" A curve that sets everything straight"

So finally I got a alluring topic to write. ................SMILE..............................
No matter what..just smile.! it is said that everyone likes to play with a smiling baby but not with the one crying. yeah..that's what is the funda of life. Smile is too beautiful and life is very short for complaints. I would like to dedicate this post to all the smiling people in the world.

Smile , Smile , Smile

even if you need to go an extra mile

no matter what ,just smile

learn to smile in pain

and in showers and rains.

smile librates you from the clamorous wrath

and gifts you the blessings of the god.

It spreads like an epidemic

makes you cherubic

sprinkles the happiness

so make it contagious, just SMILE!!!

Smile as if you are getting last time to show your teeth and make all others around you smile.

so say......... cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Agonizing Separation

I want to feel passion, I want to feel pain. I want to weep at the sound of your name. Come make me laugh, come make me cry... just make me feel alive.
I feel like filled upto brim from the pain of separation . People feel difficult to get out of their comfort zone and I am one of them. Separation can be sometimes so painful that you may become lifeless after it. Its like a big blow, which leaves you ruined and dejected. Therefore I thought of pouring out my feeling through this post.
Undoubtedly, the most adorable relations in the world are the most unusual one. We get connected into an invisible thread, which is difficult to keep and at the same time impossible to break. Ofcourse you can always smash the thing which is tangible , but what can be done to something like this?
To practise indifference is very difficult but once you attain it , then its the most amazing feeling you can ever have. And in such situations where you dont want to be indifferent but you also have a strong feeling of escaping from this separation thing. Now, do we have any solution for this?
There you need to learn to smile in worst times. I will call them worstest times. And I dont want to smile , I love this pain and now want to live with this as long as I can.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

Thomas E. Lawrence

Dreams ; may be a part of someones life, but for me they are my life. I wake up everyday ,only to realise that all that i saw last night was my dream which god has sent into my eyes to turn into a beautiful reality. Dreaming with open eyes ,is like being aggressive in your thoughts which I think is not my cup of tea. All night , living in a beautiful world so that waking up next day and facing the challenges of the world becomes some what easy. I dreamt of starting this blog long back, and here I am turning my small dream into reality, also creating a pensive for myself, so that i may not find myself lost in the reality of my dreams or in the dreams of my reality or whatever.